Kieferorthopädie Wiesloch / Walldorf Dr. Prein
Kieferorthopädie Dr. Prein - Wiesloch - Walldorf - Leimen - Meckesheim - Nussloch - Sinsheim

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CERAMIC BRACESCeramic Braces - Damon Brackets Clear

We use so-called self-ligating, barely visible ceramic braces (made of polycrystalline aluminiumoxid ceramic). This type of ceramic bracket will not change colour, its surface is very smooth, and it is very hygienic, because easy to clean. User comfort is very high. The translucent ("clear") ceramic material is very aesthetic and barely visible, which makes these braces look very natural and attractive.

The advantage of these self-ligating ceramic braces is that they are aesthetic, extremely precise,  very comfortable to wear and generally very gentle on all tissues involved. In addition, ceramic brackets are very well suited for patients who are prone to metal allergies. By using ceramic brackets the allergy risk is minimized.

Camon Bracket ClearCleaning these brackets is very easy, because here, too, there are no rubber rings around the brackets (so-called "alastics"), since the brackets are self-closing (self-ligating) and equipped with a ceramic clip. As a result, plaque accumulation is minimized.

Various further advantages of self-closing brackets can be found under » fixed braces.

Photos: Damon Clear Brackets (click to enlarge)



certified practice for Invisalign®, SparkTM, IncognitoTM and Clear Aligner®


Orthodontic Practice
Dr. Wolfgang Prein

Hauptstr. 82
69168 Wiesloch / Walldorf

Tel. 06222 / 53 222

Office hours

Mon-Thurs: 8 am - 12 pm + 1.45 - 6 pm
Friday: 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
and by appointment


Where to find us:

Anfahrt Kieferorthopädie Prein, Wiesloch - Walldorf /Baden bei Heidelberg - für St. Leon-Rot, Leimen, Sandhausen, Nussloch, Reilingen, Frauenweiler, Baierstal, Meckesheim

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