Kieferorthopädie Wiesloch / Walldorf Dr. Prein
Kieferorthopädie Dr. Prein - Wiesloch - Walldorf - Leimen - Meckesheim - Nussloch - Sinsheim

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It is never too late for a beautiful smile!

The treatment of malaligned (crooked or crowded) teeth and jaw abnormalities in adults has become a regular part of our orthodontic therapy range. The first and foremost focus of orthodontic treatment is on functional and therapeutic aspects, but in the majority of cases the treatment also leads to significant improvements in physical appearance and thus to an enhanced overall aesthetic impression.

Modern orthodontics have become an indispensable tool for complex therapeutic rehabilitation of a dysfunctional masticatory system, as well as for parodontally damaged teeth.

Orthodontics for Adults, Dr. Prein, Wiesloch bei HeidelbergWhy correct the position of the teeth?

Crooked or crowded teeth are difficult to clean, which increases the risk of parodontal disease. At worst this may finally lead to tooth loss. Well aligned, straight teeth can be cleaned much more easily.
Again, a wrong position of the jaws in relation to each other can also lead to problems such as temporomandibular joint disorders or disease, to the loosening of teeth due to unphysiological pressure, to overload to the periodontum as a whole (the tissues investing and supporting the teeth) and sometimes even to head and neck pain.
Sometimes prior to a planned prosthetic restoration (crowns, bridges, implants, etc.) an orthodontic treatment may be necessary to position the teeth so that for example implants can be placed lateron. The planning of such complex treatments is done in close cooperation with your family dentist.

Orthodontic treatment usually leads to improved aesthetics of the teeth and jaw and a more harmonious facial profile, which typically results in an increased feeling of personal and emotional well-being and thus to better overall health! A bright smile is the best guarantee for your well-being.

There are various forms of orthodontic therapy in the treatment of adults:

selbstschließende KeramikbracketsFirst there are modern high-quality self-ligating hightech » ceramic brackets. They are transparent and aesthetically almost perfect, because barely visible at all.

Invisalign-Methode - die unsichtbare ZahnspangeAlternatively, there are innovative methods that originated in the U.S., such as INVISALIGN and SPARK. Here the teeth are moved into the correct position by transparent, non-visible tracks. For more information see » Invisalign / Spark.

LingualtechnikThe so-called lingual technology offers an alternative to the INVISALIGN method. Here the brackets are glued to the inside of the teeth so that they are completely invisible from the outside. For more information see » lingual technology.


certified practice for Invisalign®, SparkTM, IncognitoTM and Clear Aligner®


Orthodontic Practice
Dr. Wolfgang Prein

Hauptstr. 82
69168 Wiesloch / Walldorf

Tel. 06222 / 53 222

Office hours

Mon-Thurs: 8 am - 12 pm + 1.45 - 6 pm
Friday: 8.30 am - 12.30 pm
and by appointment


Where to find us:

Anfahrt Kieferorthopädie Prein, Wiesloch - Walldorf /Baden bei Heidelberg - für St. Leon-Rot, Leimen, Sandhausen, Nussloch, Reilingen, Frauenweiler, Baierstal, Meckesheim

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